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seemingly odd moments are spent with you
by ObsidianDreamer
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seemingly odd moments are spent with you
by ObsidianDreamer

previous entry: a fiend

next entry: color me greedy

color me vain


pretty smiles && make up quote

There comes a time in everyone'slives where they learn that the only way to live happy is to grasp, embrace, and love life, and the person that they are in it. And when they stop loving theirselves and start relying on others to do it for them, well, that's when they truly start to lose theirselves and the happiness that they started to feel.So we might all be different.So we might all be different. You might be gay, he might be chinese mixed with greek, and I might have aliens for parents. But none of that makes us loners because we're all together in that we are different.We all say that we want to be skinny, beautiful, and wear the best clothes. We say we want to look like the girls in Hollywood but I think what we really want behind the words that we say is confidence.

I don't take credit for's something i found on the web

- this layout was made by simple layouts.

previous entry: a fiend

next entry: color me greedy

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this was amazingly wrote though!

[bratpunkyg02Star|0 likes] [|reply]

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