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Emotional Tautology
by Chapter Finished

previous entry: Morning Thoughts (January 14th, 2009)

next entry: Blessings, Boasts and Thoughts (January 15th, 2009)

A comment I left


(Finally broke my Huffington Post cherry. I've mostly tried to stay away, because it's so america-centric, but that just involved me not leaving comments to pretend I wasn't reading it, which is a lie and I'm trying not to lie anymore. *laugh*)

So this is in response to the following comment, left on an article talking about Obama's open letter to his daughters on

To those of you whose hearts are touched by his open letter, and angered by those who you call 'bashers', can you tell me what his letter inspires you to do?
Other than posting a comment on here, WHAT, specifically, do you think is next, or is going to change?
In some detail if you can.

I can't decide if this was supposed to be a trolling question or not, but I think it's the best comment I have heard on this site recently.
What does this inspire ME to do? It reminds me that everything I do, little ol' me effects people who care for me in ways that I can't foresee but need to acknowledge. I am not the president of the United States. I am not even from the US, I'm Canadian. But I find Obama to be inspiration to me, regardless of imaginary lines. I was one of the people who lost sleep praying that McCain would not win. So vital a question, completely out of my control, but very critical to my life. What your country does, effects everyone. What the US does, effects all of North America. Obama, from his actions so far, remembers this. But first, he is a dad, a husband. He reminds me that first I am a friend, a lover, a daughter. I am an employee, I am a citizen. Because of him, *I* am more interested in my own political process. I know my own city/province/nation's issues, who is speaking for me, and what they believe. He has given me hope that I can do my part, to change my part, like he changed his.
He reminds me daily that even people I disagree with are human beings. Not all conservatives are self-serving, violent, over-controlling asshats. Not all liberals are weak-spined complainers with no ideas of their own. His example helped me, in our own recent election, to look beyond the spin and the mudslinging and truly see that there were five flawed people who truly were doing what they felt was best. I can disagree with their viewpoint and/or implementation, without demonizing them. I can compromise, without selling out. And also, I can be accommodating, without allowing myself to be walked on. That I can stand firm, without being an asshole.
Yes, his letter touched my heart, but your comment inspired me to leave one of my own. And I thank you for that.

previous entry: Morning Thoughts (January 14th, 2009)

next entry: Blessings, Boasts and Thoughts (January 15th, 2009)

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that's an excellent comment.
I just read the letter, I had not heard about it until now.

[stars may collideStar|0 likes] [|reply]


It is possible that i was less than clear in my meaning on my post, so you may have mis-interpreted, but even if that's the case, i'm.......troubled, a little offended and deeply hurt by your comment.

I guess what i meant by what i was saying....and i'm just starting to *notice* it now.....

We have been spending more time together,'s been difficult, between the stress of school, the holidays and not knowing if i'm going to be able to get to school, i've been stressed, but still hanging out with him, playing around, and there have been some great days, and some not so good days.....

Now, i'm still stressed, but the load feels lighter where he's concerned i suppose it's a natural by-product of the time we *have* been spending together, but we're communicating better, and we have grown closer, and it's wonderful.

I'm a little angry at you, your "but the fact that the whole idea isn't intuitive to you makes me very sad for you." comment feels very judgmental, whether you mean it that way or not, it's how it reads to me. Some people get different things right away, hand me a brand-new cell-phone model and i'll figure it out in probably half an hour, sadly my relationship with Cam has been less "intuitive" it's not an area i'm strong. It's not that i don't want to be close with him, it's just......not obvious to me. It's not something i like, in fact it has been troublesome to me. But things are finally looking up and i'm grateful for that.

and my remark about the strike ending was, more wishful thinking.....I'll make time to hang with him when i'm back at school, and life is hectic as normal. But it's been a nice calm these last few days, and it's got me honestly thinking about dropping out and taking care of him full time....i'm enjoying him that much, that's all i meant by that.

[Man without fear|0 likes] [|reply]


Apology gratefully accepted.

I know your comments come from a place of love for Cam, and friendship and caring for me. I think i may have over-reacted a bit, i guess you struck a nerve, because I do love him, and it's hard for me that it's hard for me. I mean he's my son, doesn't that mean a switch should have flicked when he was born and i'd instantly be a good parent?

But, on the plus side, it's getting easier, and that's wonderful! I'm seeing real growth in how we're communicating he and I, and i dig that.

I'm sorry to hear you're heavily medicated, i guess things aren't going so well at the mo' i'll be thinking of you.

[Man without fear|0 likes] [|reply]

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