1. if you could be leaving to go anywhere on a plane right now, and money not being an issue, where would you go and why? Maybe Puerto Rico to see baseball!
2. What 3 items can you not leave the house without bringing with you? Why? What happens when you forget them?
1. Wallet. Ever since I was in the car accedent in 1998 and the EMT people wanted my insurance card, I always make sure I have my wallet.
2. phone
I dont "need" it. Most weeks I dont even use it but if I do need it for a ride or something... it's there.
3. clothing
I would bbe pretty cold, embarraced and besides, it's illegal.
3. take a photo of the nearest blue item to you!!!
49. omg! I'm naked and blue
I think I am a Smurf
its a curse
my skin is blue
don’t know what to do?
I am naked except for this white hat
everything is huge! wo o o, like that!
hmmm I wonder how old Papa Smurf is?
I wonder if Staphette Smurf. is married with kids?
where is my mushroom?