Okay peeps, how do I make/use those cute little comment boxes that you all post with?
I must know! hahaha
*that's the only question I had...
Regarding Belinda: I got word yesterday, from Steve, that Wendy was with Belinda in the ER so I stopped by there after work. Belinda was sedated (but hilarious), Frances was being completely negative the whole time, and Wendy was out of her mind tired because she hadn't slept since Saturday night.
...Needless to say I'm happy I went. We were all there until 'bout 7pm; the doctor handeling Belinda's case said "her blood work came back normal... unfortunately she doesn't meet the criteria for rehab but you all have a nice day".
Then he was gone.
Thanks for nothing, doc! Wendy, Frances, and I all helped Belinda to the car - Frances left and went home while I followed Wendy to her house and began calling rehab facilities in a 5 hour radius of us. Over 100 phone calls and no one would take her. As a last resort I called the Mental Health Crisis line and told them she was suicidal...they're answer, literally was "there isn't anything we can do for her and her best chance of making it through this is to stay in the most comfortable environment which would be with you. Keep a close eye on her throughout the night, stay with her at all times, then in the morning see if there is something the hospital will do for you".
When I told them I have to work and can't spend a month baby-sitting her withdrawls they told me, "If that's the case you can hire people who will come in and be with her while you're away"...well if I could afford that I'd send her to rehab! I couldn't believe that is the information the crisis line gave me.
What is this world coming to?!
At 11:30 I gave up and headed home - my brain just couldn't function anymore. At one point I told someone over the phone, "I wanna kill myself and I'm not even coming down off of anything! This is crazy!" they're response was to tell me to ahve a nice day. Yeah, I'll get right on that! I also told one lady to "such my dick" so I'm not surprised I didn't get too far with her.
In my defense...yeah...don't have one...
Hmmm, what else?
Oh yes, I'm beginning to wonder if I'm actually happy in my relationship with Patrick. Nearly 7 months together and I'm on the verge of admitting to myself that I really don't care for our relationship.
He annoys me.
Partly, I think I'm staying in my relationship with him because I have nothing better to do.
I mean he's a really great guy and we do have a good time together but some of the things he does just drive me crazy. I wouldn't change them (because they're just him) but that doesn't mean I want to deal with it either.
Idk, some days I love him to pieces and other days I wanna pretend like I don't know him. They're my own issues, really. I've never been in a healthy relationship and now that I'm in one I'm sabatoging it...while if I was in a bad relationship I'd nurture the life out of it. Isn't it interesting how us girls work?
Wendy just emailed me - she just woke up and as soon as she has a cup of coffee she's going to call the state hospital and see if she can get Belinda in there. I told her I'd drive them over there tonight when I get off...but it'd be great if she could get Belinda in sooner. We'll see.
Better get goin! ttyl!
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