Feels like a climb
Time: 6:46
Mood: Energized
Wearing: Work uniform
Listening: Wheel of fortune
So I am once again on this gotta lose weight trip. I started running the day Thursday. I ran Friday too. I switched to Diet Dr. Pepper, which is gross. I don't know how well I will stick to this but oh well. We got my schedule fixed at work. Woo. My boss is still a bitch. I have all my homework caught up. I should be working ahead right now. But I'm not. I did some laundry when I got home from work and straighten up a bit. It's rainy so I didn't wanna go for a run. All in all I suppose today was okay. I hate work but I got to make money. I get so frustrated at times because all my friends have their parents to pay for everything and here I am busting my ass to get myself through school. Everyone says I will appreciate it more, but it's still frustrating. I don't know what we are gonna do about Chris' taxes. I don't remember if I wrote about it or not. But Chris found out he has to pay $1000 in taxes. He boss didn't hold out taxes because he's a douche. Grr. I don't wanna talk about him. Anywho, Chris has decided that he will have to take out a loan. I suggested he take out a little extra that way we could pay off the $300ish we have on my credit cards. That way we would have the $1000ish loan and his school loan and that would be all our debt. I don't know what we will end up doing. Well, I have procrastinated enough. I'm gonna go do extra homework.
eye candy