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Oh what Occurin??
by ~Kimi~
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Oh what Occurin??
by ~Kimi~

previous entry: all i want is the taste your lips allow


i have so much that have gone on and ive just not had to time to update so here we go............

so she still amazes me everyday, her speech is epic. she can tell you anything and remembers so much. We are finally potty trainned altho the lead up seemed to take soo long, it only actually took me two days to get it done and dusted, (day and night) so im pretty impressed with that.
i can not believe in 2 months she'll be 3.
we still have marshal and he is looking a little bit sad somedays and very old!

what else has happened? been to plenty of fab gigs, and had a fab christmas (has it really been since before xmas??)
think ill try to update a bit more often.



previous entry: all i want is the taste your lips allow

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