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Oh what Occurin??
by ~Kimi~

previous entry: I am moutain, i and the sea

next entry: Tomorrow



in other new, ive done all my college work and im currently watching dog the bounty hunter and enjoying a cracker


survay- havent done one for ages
Have you..

Fallen for your best friend- Lindy... NO

Made out with JUST a friend - Maybe

Been rejected - I have yup.

Been in love - I am now.

Used someone - hope not

Been used - Yes. pretty sure i have

Cheated on someone - not that i know of

Been cheated on - think so

Done something you regret - Obviously, yes.

Last person...

You touched - Del when i woke up in the night and couldnt beath

You talked to - Hayley

You hugged - Del

You instant messaged - Laura right now

You yelled at - Del

Who broke your heart - my ex

Do you...

Color your hair - Yes.

Have tattoos - yes

Piercings - tes

Have a boyfriend/girlfriend/both - I have a boyfriend.

Floss daily - no

Own a web cam - No.

Ever get off the computer - not now im on leave

Sprechen sie deutsche - no

Habla espanol - Spanish? No.

Have u/do u/do u have..

Considered a life of crime - No.

Considered being a hooker- No.

Considered being a pimp - No.

Are you psycho - sadly not

Split personalities - no but i do talk to myself

Obsessive - Yup.

Obsessive compulsive - Yes,

Panic - about thinks out of my control

Anxiety - Yes.

Depressed - Sometimes

Suicidal - nope

Obsessed with hate - oddly not no

If you could be anywhere, where would you be - With the people i love

What are you listening to - im sort of watching dog the bounty hunter

Can you do anything freakish with your body - my thumb bends back and it freaks people out

Do you have a favorite animal - little grohly

Current Clothes - stary pj bottoms and a top

Current Mood - sore

Current Music - the wedding march (telly again)

Current Taste - salt and vinegar crispy

Current Hair - mess/massive

Current Annoyance - not know what to do with myself

Current Smell - clean washing

Current thing I ought to be doing anything

Current Desktop Picture - the photo of my baby converse

Current Favorite Group - All american rejects

Current book - loose women

Current DVD In Player - FRIENDS

Current Refreshment - cooling coffee

Current Worry - getting this baby out


Drink - tea

Color - blue

Shoes - converse ( altho not very pregant friendly so flip flops)

Candy - pink and blue bottles

Animal - dont really have a favourite

TV Show - at the minute 8 out 10 cats

Movie - ten things i hate about you

Dance - one where i an wiggley my bum

Are you...

Understanding - i hope so

Open-minded - Yup.

Insecure - Sometimes.

Interesting - i like to think so

Hungry - Nope just eaten

Friendly - Usually.

Smart - Not really.

Moody - Yup.

Childish - alway, i find it fnny as hell to throw cold water at del in the bath

Independent - yup

Hard working - when i have to be

Organized - alway

Healthy - doubt it

Emotionally Stable - yeah

Shy - Sometimes.

Difficult - I can be.

Attractive - nah

Bored Easily - not really

Thirsty - Yup.

Responsible - hope so

Sad - So days

Happy - most days

Trusting - stupidly

Talkative - LoL yes.

Unique - Yup.

Needy some days

Who do you want to..

Kill - ronan keating

Slap - Same with the answer above.

Be like - Many people...

On you..

Name - Kimberly

Nicknames - Kimi

Hair color - blonde

Birthday - may 21st

Eye Color - Blue

Siblings - Calum

What's your favorite..
Number - 7

Holiday - my birthday

Station- radio 1

Place - home

Scent - paris hilton, ( nail polish remover, petrol!! lol!!)

previous entry: I am moutain, i and the sea

next entry: Tomorrow

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You may not have fallen for me but i may fall for you if i see the dance you do where you wriggle your bum..

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