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Oh what Occurin??
by ~Kimi~

previous entry: Dark Hair

next entry: racefor life and poorly babies! x

Worse ever!!



I dont have many fun stories from the last couple of days, not really done alot, went to work weds and thursday, went into town yesterday, had some lunch with Del Faith Matty Max and Dionne.
Then very almost went out but decided it was toooo cold to go so hung out at Dave and Jenni. watched Cougar Town and Modern Family. and had by far the most dreadful bottle of wine I have ever drunk, and actually feel slightly rough today! shocking!!!
I'm also not really sleeping alot, and as i nod off Faith has started crying in her sleep, ( i think its teeth related) but just seem to be awake 24/7


previous entry: Dark Hair

next entry: racefor life and poorly babies! x

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