(That phrase comes from an ad of the screaming woman and Most Haunted. Their *phrases* always make me smile at the sheer cheesyness of it all).
It's another night, another time when I feel as though I should be jumping out of my skin. If I wasn't so tired, I probably would be, but these two days off so far have just led me to...well, not exactly sure. I'm not sure what I feel like. I don't exactly feel dead, but I don't feel...anything at the moment.
I don't know if that is any good. At least I'm not 'empty' inside, but still...I don't like this feeling. I have never liked this feeling. But it's what I am at the moment and so...
I guess I'll just have to deal with it.
: Sigh :
I'm currently looking up information on Supernatural Season 5. The beginning of the season completely crept up on me, and it was only because I caught it on Living and realised that the next season should be starting soon that I even decided to look it up. Apparently it started in September, but I have yet to find any good information on it.
I'll just have to keep looking, until my eyelids can no longer remain open and I have to go to bed. Where I'll sleep and maybe...maybe I'll feel better tomorrow.
Sometimes you just have to hold onto that hope.
And it will help if I decide to re-watch Season 2 of Supernatural until that time. Nothing can cheer me up like that series can.
Kya |