…that should be more than enough to send me into a deep, hypnotic sleep. Right?
: bounces along :
Nothing is more amusing than trying to see if you can win a spinning contest against yourself. I tried to get the cat involved, but she just stared at me with that superior smirk of hers so I continued trying to tire myself out. Didn’t work. I’m still awake, and I really should go to sleep. Then I might be able to wake up at a reasonable hour tomorrow, rather than at ten at night.
Need to do something about my sleeping as maybe, one day, I might have a job again and then I’ll need to be able to wake up early in the morning without sleeping right through. That’s how you get yourself fired, or nearly fired if you have very nice managers who understand that insomniacs have a hard time getting good sleep. But they can only give you so many chances before even they will start giving you a warning.
I didn’t lose my job because of it just to tell you. Company went under. All of us lost our jobs.
But, I’m not letting that get me down. One problem at a time. For now, it’s my sleep that needs to be put under control. So, I’m off to get some sleep.
Nighty, night.
: waves happily :
Kya |