...Kingdom Hearts. I had forgotten how much I love playing it and then I was bored yesterday and so popped it back in. Haven't progressed very far, I'm really rats at games but I love playing them.
Not much to say today. Sis has gone to London to see her friends as her work has said that they can't pay her for the next two weeks so asked her to take it as unpaid holiday. She was happy enough, so first she is going to see her friends in London and then visit mum. Mum is all alone at the moment as dad finally got the job in Laos, so sis thought it might be good to go and see her.
So, that's pretty much it for now. Might write more later on if something exciting happens. Huh. Yeah. Nothing happens around here, especially when you are unemployed and just waiting and waiting to find out if you still have a job.
Kya |