I seriously need to stop thinking that having several days off is a good thing. It always messes up any sleeping schedule I've managed to stick to on the weeks that I only get one day off at a time, and it takes me ages to get back to it so that I'm not exhausted all the time.
Out of the past three days, instead of doing what I knew needed to be done (i.e. box up everything that is moving with me as it's only around there weeks away), I was asleep. And when I was awake it was after twelve at night and I couldn't do anything because I would then wake up my housemates.
And now my three days off are over, and I've done nothing. I did do the housework on the living room, hall and stairs. And I did get the washing up completed. There were several loads of dishes that needed to be dealt with.
But I didn't get to start my packing.
I'm in such deep shit. He wants me out of the house (for my own good, I know because I will seriously kill my sister's boyfriend if I have to spend one more minute with him. As it is, I'm trying to continiously repeat to myself that I will be out by January, and so I just need to ignore him until then), by next month and if I can't get my act together and actually do the packing... I'm not going to be ready.
And he's the last person I need to buy for. He's a Transformers fan, so I was going to buy him the new dvd, but then I realised that there was a limited edition prologue to the first movie about the All Spark. You manage to learn about these things when you have a boyfriend who's an Anime and Manga fan. Or Marvel. It's a bit expensive, but I have it on hold. Now all I have to do is wait until pay day and then buy it.
And buy my mum some nice soap from Lush. She really liked it last year but this time I can't buy her a basket of it. Just don't have the funds. So I got her two Soduku Hard books and will be getting her one soap as well.
That's everyone.
Though my dad's present still hasn't shown up. I know that I should have looked more carefully when it said ten to fourteen days. I thought it meant ten to fourteen days from when they sent it. But apparently it's actually ten to fourteen working days. If I don't get this in time for Christmas I'm going to have to pay postage and packing to get it sent to him in France.
Damn it. This was supposed to be the good thing about having my parents coming over here because I couldn't get time off. It meant I didn't have to lug gifts around.
Please, oh please, be in on time or else I'm never going to survive through Christmas.
Kya |