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Ladida Layouts
by ~ladida*layouts~
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Ladida Layouts
by ~ladida*layouts~

previous entry: ~Green/Star~ (EL, FP, Comment)

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Happy Mother's day, Mommies! :]


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What is a Mother?

A heart that can hear
every unspoken need,
Wisdom to know
when to quietly lead,
Hands that reach out,
always helping and sharing–
A mother is caring!

Eyes that reflect
every joy that you find,
Arms to encircle,
but never to bind,
A talent for making
the most out of living–
A mother is giving!

A voice that can soothe
or inspire or delight,
A smile that keeps shining
when things don't go right,
An angel God sends us
from Heaven above–
A mother is nothing but
caring, giving and love.

previous entry: ~Green/Star~ (EL, FP, Comment)

next entry: Directory

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[mrs mandy mooStar|0 likes] [|reply]

Thanks!! U too!!!!

[YourFavoriteMistakeStar|0 likes] [|reply]

Aww. That is so sweet!

[Falling To PiecesStar|0 likes] [|reply]

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