Forgive me for my tears. I couldn't tell you what is causing them. I'm not sure at all. Questioning them will only cause more. Forgive me for my desire to see you. I spent long enough of my life without you or anyone like you. I enjoy your company. Please don't take it to heart when I'm a bitch. Forgive me for my pain. Again, I couldn't tell you what is causing it. I just know when I'm doing nothing, I feel more alone than one in solitary confinement. Forgive me for pushing away. As much as I beg to have company, I don't want to be questioned. I don't feel like random blather will accomplish anything. Forgive me for wanting a way out. Sure, I have more than many others, but in a grand comparison, I have far less than you think. I just can't stand the stress that comes with nothingness. Forgive me for faking that smile, that laugh, that overall sense of joy. It's all fake so I don't have to explain myself. If I could do it, I wouldn't be in such the conundrum. Ironically, the definition of conundrum is the definition of these feelings.
Definition of CONUNDRUM
: a riddle whose answer is or involves a pun
a : a question or problem having only a conjectural answerb : an intricate and difficult problem
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Examples of CONUNDRUM