Just an update. I have enrolled back into college. I am on my final semester at Cleveland State and am trying to keep my head above water. I say this every semester at the beginning. I try to keep myself positive. And this time, because I've gotten stuff cleared up, I think I can. It's fresh, it's new, it's different.
Just an update. I have talked to Corey. He and I got everything out. I laid it all out on the table. I had him read my last entry and let him actually hear, or read rather, what it is that has been going on. I cried, he cried, we talked and things are a whole lot better. We've come to an understanding that is working for us. Our relationship is even tighter, stronger. We are doing things one day at a time. One hour at a time. One minute at a time.
Just an update. I will be trying to get a second job. Back at the bookstore is my first attempt. It's a win win situation in that I will get paid and be able to study/get a discount. Provided it works out.
Just an update. I don't have any more updates. Farewell!