...wonder how I face years and I'm still chillin`? Easy--let go and let God deal with it.
61 days til my date of Redemption.
It's crazy how fast time goes. It seems like yesterday was the day all this crazy stuff went down...I still can't believe I got charged with felonies for something so...dumb. Oh well, I did what I did and now I have to face the consequences. I feel like I've grown up a lot in the past couple months...which isn't that much of a bad thing, but it's a scary thought. I feel like I've become less naive and more aware of my surroundings and those in my surroundings which is good. I've gained a new mentality--"You do you; I'ma do me."--which I'm pretty proud of. I'm just tired of being so patient...and not knowing what is exactly gonna happen...I'm pretty nervous...
But that's Life. I'm pretty tired of being 17 and stuck in between this barrier of childhood and adulthood but I understand that the grass isn't greener on the other side...
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