[o17.] LiFE THOUGHTS;; | 03/10/2009 |
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Burn baby, burn...
This is just a lil rant I had the other night with a friend of mine. He was telling me how I needed to move on and get over J...but I told him this -->> In my book, the word "loved" doesn`t exist. Love doesn`t have a past tense. When you truely love someone, you love them beyond your last breath. And he was like, wow Caty...that`s really, really deep...and I never thought about love like that before--but you`re right. If it`s for real, then it`s forever.
That's how I truely feel. You can definitely have more than one love, but every person you love never goes away; they stay in your heart for all of eternity. You can`t just wake up one morning and decide you don`t love someone anymore. That`s why I can`t stand when I see people just throwing the word around like it`s a baseball. Maybe it`s just me, but I`m very careful to say it...and once I do...I mean it...forever. I can say I hate him 3,204,839 times a day and I`ll still love him so much...
Fuck Love. Either way someone always gets fucked over in the end. And in my relationships it`s always me.
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