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Hi my friends call me Ashley (ASH)
by Upturned World

4-30-09 I Tried To Kill Myself.


It's all Me!!!!

Hey guys, here's how my day went. I woke up from a strange dream. I drempt that I was being chased by Jason, yes the serial killer Jason. Now the stange part is that I shot myself four times in the chest (in the dream of coure), however I would not die. I guess it's a good thing, they say if you die in a dream you die in real life, good thing I didn't die huh. The whole time I was shooting myself I remember I was reciting the lord's prayer. During all this Jason stopped trying to kill me and just watched as I attempted to kill myself. When I woke up all I could think was my plan to kill myself before Jason could was really stupid. Then I tried to think why would I do this in my dream. I came up with all my frustrations in life are Jason. And I tried to kill myself because that's what I thought was the answer to my problems(even though I was to scared to ever try it in real life). Then when I thought about the pain I felt after each shot, I thought that must have symbolized all my family, friends, and my boyfriend's pain if I succedded. Then when I didn't die I thought for sure it meant that I still have more life to live, and even maybe something to live for, even if right now I don't know what's it is. Strange things are happening, and changing the very aspect of my life. That all I'm going to write about my day.
Life is a mess.

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I just read what you wrote. Yes, I think that maybe there are things in your life that you are running from. Jason represents the frustration and the feeling of depression. I also think that the part where you are killing yourself, isn't killing yourself after all. I think that you are trying to put an end to the chaos and the only way to do it is to get out of that particuliar situation that is eating away at you.

I think that you need to evaluate what could be holding you back in your life, take a long look at your options and do away with those things that are making your life hell.

Hope it works out.

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