Easter was hard! I'm not sure if anyone else felt it (dumb statement, I know everyone else felt it!!), but man oh man, I was beyond depressed. I spent all day crying yesterday, because this was honestly my first Easter ever (I'm 28 by the way) that I didn't get to spend it with any of my family. Which, I fully understand everyone around the world is in the same position as I am. That doesn't mean I wasn't down about it. At all. If anything that just made me more sad knowing that this little old bitties and gentleman were going to be alone too.
There's someone in my life that I vent to everything about. And more so this person (let's just call them X) vents to me about EVERYTHING. Literally everything. And I listen. I don't criticise, I just let them go. So, yesterday I sent X a message saying that yesterday was my breaking point, I was having a meltdown and honestly I just wanted my life, my routine, my schedule back. X replies with "I'm not sure what you want me to do about it. Everyone is upset". That was actually a little nicer than the reply I had gotten.
BUT it's Monday! New week! Also, today is grocery day and the Easter candy will be half price! So, little bit of a silver lining! Hopefully this week will be a lot better than the last couple have been. Mindset is everything, but I haven't had my head in the game lately. Wish me luck!
Stay safe and wash your hands!!