My house is a wreck. I really need to get in order. I have laundry all over the place. Most of it is actually clean, but It's folded up and stacked on the stairs and on the counter. it needs to be put away. And I need to vacuum. I need to vacuum BAD. And I need to run the shampooer. There are a few spots on the carpet that I am unsure of their origins. Never mind the spot that I am sure of their origins. Its just hard to use the vacuum and other such devices, because either Jake is sleeping and I don't want to wake him up, or Jake is awake and terrified of the contraption. It's a no win situation. There really isn't excuse for the laundry other then sheer laziness. But in my own defense, even that is mildly traumatizing. If I take the laundry up, Jake is at the bottom of the stairs screaming his face off because I left without him. And If I take him up first, he's at the top of the stairs....screaming his face off because I went back down for the laundry. Again, a no win situation....