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Who I Am...
by LostInMyOwnMind
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Who I Am...
by LostInMyOwnMind

previous entry: Like a Cancer Patient.....

next entry: Pisces Women, so true...and so me. *edited for reading quality, last attempt, I promise*

Back Story...quickly


le strike bar.

I got some shit for my last entry title. Not many understood, and I forgot, my back story isnt here. Lets make this quick and sweet, shall we? I have had a issue with my blood for the time or so...anyways. No one can figure out whats causing my issues. I have had several strokes, I have seen deaths door step. At one point, they diagnosied me with Lupus, which we still are not sure I dont have...but, we do know I have something, and it is killing me, slowly. It has sped up this year, for whatever reason. But it has. And, my "Like a Cancer patient" entry, wasnt so far off. I have been facing the fact that death might take me sooner then Id like, and no, I dont like to admit that, but when your told you might not see Christmas of 2010...then you question everything. I go to the cancer society 3 times a week, a normal dr 2 tiomes a week, and a neuro at least once a month, if not more. So. Like a cencer patient, isnt a strech. You try being in my shoes, and tell me this shit has been easy. Until then, dont give me guff for my titles or such. Because only I know how bad it is right now...
lithium layouts.picture by jodi.

previous entry: Like a Cancer Patient.....

next entry: Pisces Women, so true...and so me. *edited for reading quality, last attempt, I promise*

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im sorryyy

[ilyy♥joziahhStar|0 likes] [|reply]

ooh i thought it was since i had said dont talk like that ''/

[ilyy♥joziahhStar|0 likes] [|reply]

ooh. why are people so rude?
ugh -_-

[ilyy♥joziahhStar|0 likes] [|reply]

I was wondering where you had run off to

[♥ Bella|0 likes] [|reply]

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