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Who I Am...
by LostInMyOwnMind
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Who I Am...
by LostInMyOwnMind

previous entry: Pisces Women, so true...and so me. *edited for reading quality, last attempt, I promise*

next entry: Yasmin Warning. (Aka Yaz)

Welcome back to reality....


I must say my 3 year old knows how to bring me back to reality really well, when he doesnt even know hes done it.

I was taking him to daycare, and I said outloud that I had lforgotten to give my Dad his CD that he left in my car.... My exact words were "I forgot to give dad his Kicks CD, shit..." And my three year old from the back seat pipped up, "No, Mommy, Daddy bye-bye." Just like you or I would say "No, its Monday not Tuesday" or "Its cloudy outside". There was no question, and he was somber as it gets. And it kicked my ass, and brought me back to this place and time. Where I have had yet another stroke not too long ago, and my son realizes his daddy has been dead 7 months... and Im barely struggling to survive.

*Sighs* Welcome back to reality.

Butterfly Layouts>

previous entry: Pisces Women, so true...and so me. *edited for reading quality, last attempt, I promise*

next entry: Yasmin Warning. (Aka Yaz)

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ill email you as well everyone else as often as possible. I miss you and hope you are "ok"

[jdStar|0 likes] [|reply]

sorry i have not aimd you in a WHILE school and everything has been hitting me super hard. well i hope you are doing well! its amazing how intelligent kids are! =)

klajdf alksdjfaisfakdljio94328io54jlrkefahu67sdu

[ilyy♥joziahhStar|0 likes] [|reply]

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