well, it's been a while
wow, and I remember when you were a little freshman.
Wait, I remember when you were in hs. hehe
I'm sure She'll always be in your heart.
[A RedSox Fan]
Because I'm hyped up, out of control
"and when the world gets in my way, I say, have a nice day"
"I've had enough of cryin'
Bleedin', sweatin', dyin'
Hear me when I say
Gonna live my life everyday
I'm gonna touch the sky
And I spread these wings and fly
I ain't here to play
I'm gonna live my life everyday"
Brought to you by Bon Jovi
You can do this babe, I got faith in you.
You are going to do this and you are going to do it well.
[A RedSox Fan]
pretty good weekend, except...
yay for keeping up with this diary.
once again, valentine day is going to be another crappy one for me. oh well. hakuna matata. I'll prob go out with my best and his wife for chinese food unless he has something else planned that is a bit more romantic that wouldnt include me.
however, that week end is when pitchers and catchers report to spring training and that! makes me very very happy!
[A RedSox Fan]
Cats in the snow
we have 2 strays that we feed but one in particular is a young female-not older than much a kitten. we put a collar and flea meds on her but its sooo cold i set out a blanket with a heating pad onto a chair on our covered porch. we have been bringing her in all day but putting her back outside at night. i feel bad for her but i cant deal with a liter box not in our small home. but atleast i feel like im doing her lots of good rather than her being stuck somewhere hungry and cold in a box!
Home too soon...not enough time...
(dont cry)
I am reading this entry and in my head I'm hearing that song
"I'm leaving, on a jetplane, dont know when I'll be back again, so hold me, never let me go"
It was prob for the best as you wouldnt want to make him late for his plane.
[A RedSox Fan]
Time is slipping through my fingers
wow, so much said in this short entry.
go enjoy your man and when you get back on line over the week end and into the next few months, I'll help you with the future part of it.
*blinks* kickboxing? hehe
[A RedSox Fan]
Time is slipping through my fingers
*random noter*
Yea, graduation is coming up crazy fast! AmeriCorps is a great safety net though for next year...I'm doing City Year and it's really a great feeling to know I have this great gap of time where I can then concentrate on grad schools. Good luck!