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In Search of Inspiration...
by Artistic Muse
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In Search of Inspiration...
by Artistic Muse

previous entry: Christmastime in the city

next entry: something about a platypus, sugar pickles, and Mary Poppins...

Happy New Year


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Happy New Year fellow bloops! I hope that the best of your 2009 is the worst of your 2010, and that you have lots of laughs, love, and prosperity!

previous entry: Christmastime in the city

next entry: something about a platypus, sugar pickles, and Mary Poppins...

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*hug* well, my highs were pretty good and my lows were pretty, I believe, lower, so if they are reversed, that would be fine by me. I know, no year will be all perfect and I also know that it can get much worse.

so let us just sit back and we'll see what 2010brings.

happy and healthy new year.

[A RedSox Fan|0 likes] [|reply]

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