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My Quest to Weight Loss
by ---->Signed.... Love

previous entry: Taking back control of my life.....

next entry: Energy for Weight-Loss....

Rough Day 4 Weight-Loss



So today was all in all an off day for me. I didn't get to go to the gym this morning because I had to do laundry. I usually go once in the morning and again to take a class. When I did have time to go to the gym, I did and did cardio and weights, only one set of course. The Zumba class I wanted to take filled up 30 minutes before it started. I'm talking about like 50 people in one class. Needlesstosay, I didn't get a spot in the class so I just did cardio instead.

I've really been having trouble eating healthy lately. Like I don't eat as much but there are some things I'd like to eliminate from my diet. And the whole eating every 3-4 hours thing gets me. I'm still tryna incoporate that into my daily routine too. I'm learning slowly but not fast enough for my liking. I really wanna lose 12-15 pounds this month. No day is a free day for me because everyday is a day needed. I'm thinkin about using this one application on my iPod touch... It's hypnosis.... For eating right, staying committed, exercise etc. He has a soothing voice.

Lately I've had this compulsive thought that if I lost my 90 pounds that I wanna lose that my calves would look extremely big compared to the rest of my body. I was looking at Ali's calves (who won the biggest loser one season)... And her calves looked ugly and big depending on which angle she stood. I have big calves right now so I know they will probably be big when I lose. I heard you don't lose ya calves when you lose weight. That's scares me. I don't wanna look unattractive in any way.

Anyways... I got one of my acne prescriptions filled today. So now I'm on differin and benezol peroxide?? My face broke out really bad and now I gotta work extra hard to get it togeher. I'm confident it will work. It has before.

If anyone knows of any good stretch mark lighteners or removers, I'd grately appreciate your suggestions.

previous entry: Taking back control of my life.....

next entry: Energy for Weight-Loss....

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Eating right is hard. Make sure you're eating enough calories. Some people cut too many calories. And really, stretch marks are hereditary and usually go away with "shrinking", but I've never tried any of that other stuff they have to offer.

Just remember, in the end, it's allll worth it!

[momma to be♥|0 likes] [|reply]

RYC: Thanks for the comment, that meant a lot to me. =] You're right, I shouldn't be embarrassed about my videos and weight loss, I'm just more embarrassed about talking to my computer LOL.

[To Be Skinny Again |0 likes] [|reply]

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