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~crazylife~'s Diary
by ~crazylife~

next entry: Maybe i'm home sick

Boy talk of course


First time using this diary, so i guess you can say i'm a bit of a virgin. Man its been a while since i could call myself that lol. Well i heard about this from a friend and it seems like a good idea. To be able to vent. Which is something i really need at the moment. I've got a new boyfriend. We've only been together for almost 2 weeks now, but i've known him for about 10 years now, that half my life! And i've always wanted to be with himbut there was always something in the way... well more like someone. But he's finally realized she's just a fucking whore and that she's not what he wants. He's in the army, came home from iraq after 10 months. Well actually he was in iraq for 10 months, but he hasn't been in the states for 3 years. So everything is new to him, but when he told me he was coming home i knew i just had to see him. so i drove 3 hours away just to be able to see him. He then informed me that he did a lot of growing up in germany and iraq and understands what he wants. He says he knows he wants me, he says he is going to marry me. Sounds like a bunch of bullshit but this boy is the usual kind. This boy is amazing. He knows all the right stuff to do and does it well, and means every bit of it. I don't know i can't even explain it. i just know i love it. And that i can have it forever if i wanted, but i'm just so scared. But i don't know of what. I know that he's not going to leave me, nor will he fall in love with another girl while he's with me, thats just not him. I think i'm scared on my side of things. What if i can't be loyal to him? I mean this time he's going to be gone for 7 months, and the longest i've went without sex is one month.... Not that should be that important, but it is a bit of a problem. So i guess i shall just have to try it out and see how it goes.... Till next time, stay safe, and don't do anything i wouldn't do! Haha, if you know me, you know thats leaving you a pretty open space to work in lol.

next entry: Maybe i'm home sick

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