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by LuckyRose

previous entry: Unspeakable Word

next entry: Take It Easy



Wheels are turning, rusty gears,
head is hollow, filled with fears,
Sprockets spinning, dizzy noise,
drunken sway, no more poise,
falling in the hole it makes,
burning passion, hell fire aches,
bottle bites, back it goes,
dissapear, no one knows,
Horizon in your eyes will set,
dusty tears, mixed with sweat,
faces broken, fingers curl,
shrieking madness, no one's girl,
floating upwards, smoke and mesh,
empty bones, no more flesh.
Pessimistic qualities, swimming in your head,
better off alone, or even better dead.

I wrote this poem for a dear friend of mine who is losing her battle with alcohol and drug addiction. It pains me to see her anymore, all bones and saggy eyes. She spirals into depression when she drinks or does drugs (pills and cocaine mostly) so deep that people like me no longer have reasoning or sense in her mind anymore. I can not stop her as much as I want to just lock her in a cage and save her from herself.

previous entry: Unspeakable Word

next entry: Take It Easy

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