I know I said that the next time I write I will try to use a layout. No, I didn't do it wrong. I'm just tired and I don't feel like trying it at the moment. Sorry. I just found out that my ex boyfriend of 7 yrs just got arrested today for possesion of 16 pot plants. Wow. Also, another guy I've known for about 7 yrs. But the other guy had 150 plants. I had NO idea. I mean, we used to all hang out and smoke when we were younger. Talk about living in a hippie commune. Play Halo together. But while I got older and left, got married, had kids..they were growing pot. Right in the next town over. A shit load of it. I was just thinking of my ex the other day. What is he doing in life? How is he? Then I see his face plastered all over the news tonight. Crazy. http://www.wmdt.com/category/201130/video?autoStart=true&topVideoCatNo=default&clipId=8329443 I am not sure if I did this link right. Try it I guess. This is the news story of it. I don't know why I am so shocked, really. I mean, he was always a guy that would do something stupid. He got arrested multiple times for paraphanalia and possession. I like to smoke pot. But I couldn't put up with him spending our rent money on it, saying he "needed it". wtf. I have NEVER felt like I have NEEDED it. I mean, yes. It's awful nice. But He was really having problems. He had an addictive personality. He would like one thing and then just get hooked on it right away. Whether it be Spongebob SquarePants or chicken burritos, if he liked it, he needed it. I couldn't handle it anymore. He was even like that with me. Ugh. It is cruel how people can love each other simply because they lost thier virginity together. Ok, so I have a sinus infection with a serious headache and I must go to sleep. I just had to blurt all of that shit out before I tried to fall asleep. Thank you once again Bloop, for being here for me to get this crap out of my head. |