I went to work today, at a fairly popular retail chain store, and came to discover the many obsticles associated with being at the bottom of the command ladder. When you are average looking, it doesn't matter how hard you work. I know some of you may argue that, but I have my lifes experiance in this to back me up. When you work REALLY hard, you get extra work to do. Not extra pay. These people who -on paper- qualify for the manager job, somehow feel that since they have a diploma and a set of shiny keys that they won't have to work as hard as you. Sadly, this is true. She has a pretty face and can prove that she graduated high school. So what about those average joes? The ones that are smarter than most people that they know but through some crisis out of thier control could not complete thier high school education? The ones that give it thier all for a greedy company without complaint? You know the one. She rang up your purchase today, or cleaned the bathroom that you took a dump in. She worked harder than her superiors. She took home less pay. Everyone has a dream. No one truly realizes that not everyone's dreams can come true. Someone is at the bottom of the proverbial food chain. That person is me. |