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by LuckyRose

previous entry: Stuff About ME

next entry: ALCOHOL

Unspeakable Word


Love is a word that's thrown around;
It's often said too much.
People use it like a prayer,
or often like a crutch.
Do you love me? Or just say so?
Do I love you? I don't know.
You say you do, but I won't say it back;
I like you, but it's love I lack.
I feel so great wrapped in your arms,
No one can bring us harm.
Is that love, or is it lust?
Should I go or should I trust?
Just because I won't say the word,
You shouldn't love me? How absurd!
I think I love you, but I'm not sure.
I'm so uncertain, so insecure,
I long for you, I lust for you,
Say "I love you", I must for you.
Do I? Don't I? Will I? Won't I?
I will.
I love you.

previous entry: Stuff About ME

next entry: ALCOHOL

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