its not right.
A week ago I was heading out to go running and mum asked (as always) where I was going, because shes a nosy old bag. Her life is so boring she has to latch onto mine. So I said 'yeah Ive been going running for a couple of weeks now, please don't tell my brother because he'll take the piss'
I know that kid, anything to get his claws into and he'll throw it back in your face over and over again for months. The last thing I want him to know is that Im insecure about my body and am trying to lose weight. He'll latch onto that like a limpet. And if thats not enough, he'll see it as a competition and then have to go running himself.
So I ask this useless woman to keep it a secret. Not a week later her slack jaw is flapping again. Its beyond a joke. In a couple of days she'll expect me to have forgotten the whole thing and start confiding in her again.
I flipped out at her, I was so angry. How can I trust her? Gabbling and waffling and spilling all the things I trusted her to keep secret. What else has she blathered on about to people? She never apologised, and pretended like she was the injured party. How? Oh IM SORRY that YOU told my secret to the very person I wanted it kept from. I'm totally in the wrong here . . . . .????
She lets that cunt of a brother of mine swan around the house punching holes in the walls and doors. She shuts up and lets him call her 'whore' and 'bitch' and turns a deaf ear when he tells her to go fuck herself. But as soon as I stick up for myself, suddenly Im this terrible person who's done unthinkable things. Tommoro she'll have 'forgotten' the whole thing and be back to her unnervingly chirpy ignorant naiive self,
But for now she's satisfied with giving me the silent treatment and hiding my things. She says shes nothing like her ex husband but shes more like him than she ever cared to admit.
I'm off out of here as long as Jimmy's familly are not sick of having me in their house all the damn while |