Its so depressing I dont even know where to begin :(
I wasted my whole morning learning stuff I should allready know and it made me well miserable. Thing is I dunno what to revise or what to start with. I spose I could go on the college website but its all a miserable shitload of fuck.
Id much rather lay in the sun and read books. Pervy ones at that.
But right now I'm at college about to do more revision before my horrible horrible german lesson. Then horrible horrible german support later, cos I didnt go to geogrpahy yesterday cos who wants to be left alone in a room with some old guy.
everything sucks.
oh well one day to go eh (though I know something will go wrong or not work)
On a lighter note, omg fanfiction. Though I think a lot of people are having issues about the way Im writing Deidara. I mean god, in the manga the dude has 4 mouths it makes SENSE!
Either way, I'm writing what I'm writing and they can go suck a salmon.
And I was speaking to harriet last night on msn. and she had a load of japanese shit for a dn, and I mistook her for a fanfiction friend all night. I have no idea what I said, but its bound to be stuff I wouldn't tell her normally. I feel exposed. Not a nice feeling. |