So i went out for a few drinks tonight, with alice and ben and a dude i met on the first open day at this uni. Thought it was fun and cool, until i got a text from this guy (called mike) saying "you look really nice tonight, forgot how hot you were"
he met me once, with my mum at an open day
so i thought, poor awkward guy, lets tell him how it is. And he tried to convince me to 'play away from home' and all kinds of other phrases which mean CHEAT.
It was outrageous. And then he tried again, saying "what's your opinion of me?"
I knew exactly what he meant, but played the fool saying oh you're a nice guy who likes the same music as me, and likes the same pubs ect. I tried to diffuse the situation but he kept trying. Asking to walk me home, telling me that he meant more than friends.
I got really angry. Can't I just have guys that are friends, must they proposition me for sex? Can't they just respect that im taken, and look at me and see a person rather than just a vagina and a pair of tits?
Apparently not. As he walked me home he basically admitted that he wanted sex, and i was the next target, and to add insult to injury he text ben after we said bye, saying he thinks i fancy him and want to sleep with him.
What a fucking cunt.
Just annoys me, he thinks that as soon as i see him i instantly want sex with him. Jumped up bastard. |