went down to grans for boxing day this year. It was a REAL trial. Gah I dont know what it is about those people but they just get on my nerves. My gran is a bitch! My uncles a prude, his wife is constantly hyper. I think the sanest person there was my mum, by default, cos she normally drives me up the wall.
I had horrible images of today, and i think it actually came out worse than expected. SO stressed. And if that wasnt bad enough, my mum played her new enya cd on the hour drive up there. Enya's music is so good, but it hurts me. It reminds me of my familly, and the fact that id rather not have been born in this time at all. I had my sword laying across my lap, just wishing that when I opened my eyes, id be somewhere else. I cried. I hoped that the darkness would disguise my tears but Jimmy still guessed.
Damnit i feel like such a plonk.
I was exited about him coming home so we could get intimate in the bedroom, but now my mood has shifted and the last thing i want to do is whip off my clothes.
Plus I was so selfish when I got home and rushed to open my presents. I didnt even think about how awkward and left out it would make him feel. Well thats why I didnt get mum to bring them to grandmas - because it would have been selfish.
I hope hes not weirded out by the lich king thing xD |