Ive been out and about. Weather spoons was havin some kind of deal on, but the whole time i was there it reminded me of the time me and jimmy and all the guys were at the one in witham, and we all ordered those massive frilly tutu cocktail jugs. Needless to say i didnt get one of them this time, because it would have made me sad.
We had a few drinks there, and a few more in the buttermarket, then alice announces that she is tired and wants to go home. Now I know how jimmy really feels.
I would go to sleep myself but theres a load of people having a party on the landing (cos we have no comunal area here) and the noise is incredible. Also whenever I drink I get bad cardiophobia and then i REALY cant sleep.
Plus traffic and screaming drunken tramps.
Im glad my lecture isnt until 11 tmoz.
Gah its not fair that I have no wow. It is the cure to everything. Anger, insomnia, stress, loneliness, boredom. I could go on. damn those stuck up uni bastards thinking that they're doing GOOD by banning wow. How much more stupid could you get? |