Been shoe shopping (ha ha) predictabally cant get what I want, and in all the shops the best they can offer me is something like this. . .
WHY would I want to wear that ABOMINATION just because I'm a size 9? Suddenly having big feet means your brain is warped into thinking that actually looks nice? And it would probably be better for them to actually make decent shoes for size 9's because then they'd actually SELL something. And we wouldnt get shunted down the MENS aisle.
So i say, fuck you guys I'm going to look online, at least american people have heard of women with (oh my!) big feet. Surely not? get the monsters out of my shop!
And then I get this. . . .
Different options? Fuck you! The only other option is to wear nasty mens shoes, granny shoes from evans the fat people shop, or carry on with my old beaten up converse that are so decrepit they have HOLES IN. Or I suppose I could get that operation (that Ive seriously been considering) where they chop off your foot, and muller it about and make it a few sizes smaller. Because I cant bear to go shoe shopping when all i get is this hassle
"sorry we dont do womens in a NINE (pause for a sneer) you could try the bloke shoes"
Do i LOOK like a man to you? Do i look like I enjoy wearing unfashionable, ugly, granny boots?
When really all I want is a pair of babychams. is it really so much to ask? |