So i went out drinking yestrerday afternoon for no particular reason. Well tasha was pissing me off with her apparent 'life stories' again. Shes so insensitive its unbelivable. And I just wanted some strongbow. Nothing wrong with that. I could have just bought a can, but i decided on a giant bottle instead. Went down the graveyard to share it with tasha but ebdded up downing most of it myself. In about half an hour on an empty stomach. Then I had double german with sarah the slave driver. It was so funny trying to disguise the fact, and not speak ridiculously loud. Elane guessed, but luckilly mandy didnt lol!
Then I came home to extreme annoyance. I swear down Jimmy never told me what time we were meeting, and apparently he'd been waiting for ages. Well SORRY. allright. And as for the whole "you need your entire german class to make you horny" or some shit well you know what I think about that. Probably was meant to be a joke, but you dont take jokes well either.
Later was in my room with a splitting headache, after mum insinuated that i was fat, and the headache meant no drinking and no poppers which was like the only fun thing I can do at this time of the month. I know Jimmy is afraid of it all, you know.
And what else.
When you were telling me that you wern't annoyed at me but explaining the things you'd be doing if that was the case, like not looking at me and ignoring me and 'certainly not laying on me' that just seemed overly rude and harsh. |It actually made me think twice about us for the first time ever, and that was when u asked me if there was something wrong because I had tears in my eyes.