Hello peoples of the internet, more specifically those of Bloopdiary....it seems like it's been forever since I posted here. It's been at least 2 years I think.
Lately one of my buddies has been mentioning bloop a lot and it got me wondering if my password and username were still valid...so I logged in successfully and decided to post.
Let's play a little catch up shall we?
My name Is Odd, I am an internet radio DJ and Network owner. The network is called The Phonetic Bells Network. We're a mishmash of everything, we pride ourselves on being something for everyone.
I run 3 shows through the network...Mad World Radio, Bad Ass Avenue and Breakfast With Odd. I am a family man, I am opinionated and rather brash at times. You may not like what I have to say at first, but once you open you mind, shut your mouth and listen to what I am ACTUALLY saying....You'll realize that we are speaking the same language.
My goal in life is to knock out ignorance and fill the collective with a sense of empowerment through information and belief in one's self. You don't need deities or ancient hoodoo to make real changes in both your own lives and the lives of those around you.
The information is out there and if you choose to stay ignorant, you'll have nobody but yourself to blame when you get culled from the herd.
Check us out and feel free to ask me any questions you may have.