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TTC with #1!!!
by mae_mcawesome

previous entry: Pregnant Kitty

next entry: Holy Crap, UPPDATE!!!




I had to send a form in to the dept. chair over math and to the online math class teacher.. I did that about a week or more ago.. I just got my approval letter today so I guess tomorrow I'm going to the school to register for the class and drop the in-class 0308 that I already registered for. Crossing my fingers that the online class isn't filled up yet!!

Esther brought Charlie over earlier.. they've been playing for HOURS and Charlie finally figured out how to play tug-of-war with Boo lmao it sounds like they're killing each other cause they're both growling, than one of them gives up and walks away wagging his tail hahaha sooo cute.

Baby Dust Designs

previous entry: Pregnant Kitty

next entry: Holy Crap, UPPDATE!!!

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[TTC_Bailey_Baby|0 likes] [|reply]

She might hide for a few days but she'll come back out again! I've heard cats (and dogs) of doing this but perhaps it depends on the cat itself *shrugs* D:♥

[CrazyBellatrixStar|0 likes] [|reply]

thank you sometimes cats do surprise you, that's for sure. That's awful that she was poisoned..sadly, I can imagine it though, as my grandpa was on his death bed and kept asking for his cat, but someone had shot the cat in the throat and he had died..He was taken to the vet and everything possible was done, but it was too bad, and nobody had the heart to tell my grandpa his pet was gone..

didn't need to really say that, but people are awful sometimes.

I think Donnie probably has it in him for a few more years, I hope anyway, although, the first warm spring day we have, he's getting bathed.

[UnauthorizedStar|0 likes] [|reply]

um 75% of brisbane is under water.

[spanna|0 likes] [|reply]

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