I'm procrastinating again.. It's what I do best. I've already packed and cleaned some, so I'm taking a Bloop Break haha
Spaz (my kitty) is acting weird today. He has a little scratch on his nose and was following me around all morning, even after I fed them. I checked him out and he has no other cuts or anything, maybe him and Slim (neighbor's kitty who comes in thru the dog door daily) got into it or something.
Dan's stock money should come in today or tomorrow.. So we can catch up on bills and start Christmas shopping yayyy!! :) He always wants me to go shopping with his mom or take his mom wherever, even if he's not doing anything. I understand he wants his mom and I to bond n stuff, and we do bond and we are close, but I know she would rather go with him because she hardly gets to spend time with him. It is kinda annoying to shop with her though. She walks super slow so she says "oh you go get -this- while I look for -this-" .. then when you come back to find her she's wondered off somewhere and it's hard to find her cause she's short. And she takes forever and wants to look at EVERYTHING. And it's hard for me to understand her cause she has a heavy Spanish accent and sometimes can't think of words in English lol. I know I'm bitching.. But it's really not that bad. She's not gonna be around forever so I am glad to be able to get to know her... But I think Dan should be spending more time with her instead of pawning her off on me. lol
Mon. Nov. 29
AF day 1
Psych paper due 1PM
Math 7:30 - 9PM
Tues. Nov. 30
AF day 2
Rosa DR. appt 9:30AM
Clean house
Pack mine and Dan's stuff
Aunt comes home 6PM
Wed. Dec. 1
Psych 1 - 2:20PM
Interview 5PM
Math 7:30 - 9PM
Mae- phone bill due
Thurs. Dec. 2
Texans VS. Eagles 8:20PM
Fri. Dec. 3
Dan- off from work
Sat. Dec. 4
Sun. Dec. 5