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TTC with #1!!!
by mae_mcawesome
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TTC with #1!!!
by mae_mcawesome

previous entry: Got it... :(

next entry: TOTW

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Mmmm Hmmmmm

Babe and I cut my BANGS tonight, didn't have bangs at all before and now I do :) My bangs are bangin and I look like a naughty school girl with the dark hair and my new glasses.. LOL AWESOME. RIGHTTT

We started watching About A Boy tonight but I had already seen it, and Dan wasn't that interested and kinda sleepy so we put on Shawshank Redemption cause we've both seen it a billion times and we both loooove ittt but he fell asleep and I'm still uppp.. Soooo here's a bunch of random pics that I looove..

Baby Dust Designs

This is Snookie, we think she's preggo but we're not sure yet. We thought she was still too young to get preggo but if she is, it's with her first time being in heat. :( Getting her fixed fo sho as soon as possible!!!

Ms. Pebbles getting the last drop of ice cream haha...

the sexxxyyyyy man that I get to curl up to every night.. DAAAAMMNN I love this man!!

AWWWWW my BooBear sleeping with his tongue out :)

Charlie (tan) and Boo (dark) totally ignoring the hole they just dug...

Spazz Man

Chompers found the best spot to lay

previous entry: Got it... :(

next entry: TOTW

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nice! love the first pic... looks a lot like my kitty. heh

[Snazzy DocStar|0 likes] [|reply]

Thanks girl! I missed ya too!
I think for right now we're okay. But if he pulls anymore stunts like this, I will deff be looking for a new donor. He blamed it on being drunk. Which knowing him, I can believe. He's an asshole sober, but he turns into a monster when he's drunk. That's when we have most of our fights. That was just one I couldn't let go. He's usually the grudge holder. This time, it was me!! I just couldn't handle it. Ya know?
OMG- I found the CUTEST onesies.... Not that I'll be buying them anytime soon. lol Anyways- They say my mommies love me, 2 mommies are better than one... one even says VAGETARIAN! LMAO It's great! And they have a maternity shirt that says "My wife got me pregnant!!" I want it sooo bad!!!

[TTC_Bailey_Baby|0 likes] [|reply]

RYC; I've brought that up to him before. His come-back is always bringing up his almost 2y/o and 3 mo old. He said he's been drinking since he was 15. *shrugs*

[TTC_Bailey_Baby|0 likes] [|reply]

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