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the life of mary contrary
by Mama Mary

previous entry: some pictures!

next entry: irritated

sitting in daycare


I just got off work and I have twenty minutes til my one class of the day starts, I came to the daycare at my college to see Koi but she is still taking her afternoon nap. She usually wakes up around three but the teacher said she didn't get to sleep right away. I think her mouth has been bothering her lately poor thing. Those mean teeth hurting my baby!
Her little sister has been real hyper today, I swear I haven't eaten sugar or anything like that haha. She will be here in less than two months. I'm so excited.
Last night my bff anna came over after koibug went to sleep. We watched some cheesy scary movie with Paris Hilton called Nine Lives. She left at eleven, the time Julian said he'd be home. But when it got to midnight he still wasn't home so I put his pillows and a blanket on the couch then went back to bed. Fifteen minutes later I went and put them back in bed because I didn't feel like sleeping alone. Lol. He got home at one ish. Kissed my ass saying sorry. Whatever! I don't really care. After being with someone for eight years you really do start not to care about much of anything. Everything is just so routine with us.
Ok this is mega long. Koi still isn't awake yet(I'm sitting in the daycare using my phones internet). Argh I only have eleven minutes until class starts I hope she wakes up so I can give her a kiss.

previous entry: some pictures!

next entry: irritated

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lol it made me laugh when you said you put his pilliows and blanket on the couch and fifteen minutes later brought them back... haha i do the same thing or when i tell him to go sleep on the couch and he does and hours later i'm arguing with him to come to bed. i hate sleeping by myself.

[lovingquality104|0 likes] [|reply]

ryc: lol first time ever! it actually is nice because you dont have to deal with crowds, lines, parking, and bitchy people yet haha

[lovingquality104|0 likes] [|reply]

I hope she wakes up!!! How cool that you get to visit her in daycare! That would never fly here Which sucks. Good daycare!

[GenesStar|0 likes] [|reply]

I have done the same thing before. I will tell him to sleep on the couch then at like 3am I will be begging him to come back to bed, but he is already asleep.

[Makayla|0 likes] [|reply]

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