last night i had what i suppose i can only describe as a vision...i wasn't asleep, and i was fully awake...but it wasn't something my conscious mind was showing me.....i mislike the term vision.....but it's the best i can come up with....well, i suppose i could call it a 'transcendental spiritual experience, but god's that's way too fracking pretentious even for me(and that's saying something)
note, i realize i'm probably not using transcendental in the right way....but frack it... there i was, tied to what seemed to be a wheel, and there's Odin standing over me with a branding iron, and then he brands me, over my heart with the Valknut....and i get a very strong sense of.....well it's not necessarily something i heard, but a sense i got, like that line from The Shawshank Redemption. "Your Soul belongs to the Lord, but your ass belongs to me!"
so apparently Odin has decided he's my Patron......after that, i started drifting......i kept having quasi-dreams or visions whatever term you want to use.....horrible circumstances, my Family dead, destruction, was pretty intense.
So i guess Odin is my co-pilot.... *sigh*
hopefully there's an upside |