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Musing, notions, thoughts and random ramblings
by Man without fear

previous entry: not dead yet!!

next entry: plesant suprises amzing night.

whiney/angsty/emo post, feel free to ignore.


i posted yesterday about a cute girl i met a week ago, and how i'm really hoping to make something happen with her....

well, in my head i've told her that i kinda like her, and that i'd like to go out with her about 20 times, and the outcome i'm expecting is the outcome i've experienced almost every time i've told a girl i like her:

"gee J, i'm flattered but:
a, not interested
b, i just think of you as a friend
c, i'm not gay but i'll learn (though most girls i like are in fact bi)
d, i don't want to have to kill you but i will"

ok, i've drifted into silly-ville, but then as i said i'm feeling whiney.

Still at least when she says 'thanks but no thanks' i won't be too disappointed.
and a least even if i anticipate a negative result i'm still going to go for it, not sure if that's brave or just stupid...ah well i report you decide.

good night and good luck

previous entry: not dead yet!!

next entry: plesant suprises amzing night.

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