Not toooo much to update - really.
I'll probably post pictures of my new hair at the end.
UHHHH - decided to go shopping again yesterday .. ended up buying Twilight! Finally, I haven't read the books yet, but I do plan on it. I absolutely love Robert Pattinson! SO sexy. Anyway, I got another new shirt, and a new purse, some make-up although I don't even wear it, and I also found those PEDI EGGS! You see them on info-mercials. While we were in Cuba, my dad saw it first, and told us - in detail - what it was all about. (keep in mind, he was very drunk) I saw it and just had to buy it! And it surprisingly DOES work.
Well, I guess that's about it! Here's some photos of the new hair !
Me, my brother and his best friend.
"Family Portrait"
My first LEGAL shot!
The second night at the bar with my best friend!
crayon box