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Surveys and more
by meme.surveys

previous entry: Google Survey

next entry: Chinese Horscope [Activity]

Long(est) Survey


January, what was your love life like?
I was still chasing after the wrong guy, who would never want me

Are you afraid to grow up?
No, I grow a little everyday

Plans for Saturday?

What if your boyfriend/​girlfriend called you at 2 in the morning crying?
I would talk to them, cause I don't go to bed

Will tomorrow be a good day?
god I hope so

Are you listening to music?
no watching tv

Is there anyone you trust 100%?
I don't think so

Can you honestly say you're okay right now?

Do you get mad easily?

When was the last time you cried?
Friday night

Be honest, do you like people in general?
no because most people are stupid or back stabber the best ones are hard to find

What color are your pants?

Do they have anything on them?
white elastic band

Would you marry for money?
at this point yes

What was the last non-alcoholic beverage you had?
diet soda

What's something you really want right now, be honest?
a certain someone to IM back for a change

If somebody liked you, would you want them to tell you?
yes, I like honesty

Is there anybody you wish you could be with right now?
not especially

Whose birthday is coming up?
my dad's

What should you be doing right now?

Where you happy when you woke up?
no, I was exhausted

Who was the last person to text you?

Do you want your toungue pierced?
No way. Dumbass almost talked me into it once

What do you currently hear right now?
the tv

Who was the last person to call you, and how long was the conversation?
Eric, about fifteen minutes

What's something that bothers you about girls?
how they will do anything to get a man

Are you currently wanting any piercings or tattoos?
ooh I want another tattoo

Last thing you did before bed last night?
watched some vids on youtube

Got anything you wanna say to someone?
yes, you're a fucking coward

First person to text you today?

If something was wrong, who is the first girl you would go to?

Does the last person who put their arms around you mean anything to you?
I don't know, we just started hanging out. and technically he hugged me with one arm

Be honest, who are you texting?
I'm not texting anyone right now.

This time last year, can you remember who you were going out with?
I was still crushing last year, not dating

When and who was the last time you talked to the opposite sex on the phone?
Eric and I chatted last night

Do you miss the way things used to be?
Sometimes I miss my es, but I gotta remind myself that who I thought he was and who he really turned out to be, were not the same person

Are you a patient person?
absolutely not

Who was the last person who gave you flowers?
i dont know

What color is the shirt you are wearing?

Which is prettier, a sunrise or a sunset?
sunrise, it's a new beginning

Do you wear hoodies all year round?

Do you know someone younger than 18 that's had a baby?

When's the last time you brushed your teeth?
A few hours ago.

What did you have for breakfast today?

Are you reading a book?
yes a true crime

Would you ever consider getting your nose pierced?
no that would look bad on me

Are your parents still together?
yes, 27 years strong

What are you looking forward to?
Florida and getting far away

When you're upset, who do you go to?
try and distract myself

Who was the last person you cried in front of?

When did you last take a shower?
This morning

Are there a lot of pillows on your bed?

What's the most physical pain you've ever felt?
When my gall bladder was infected

How much money do you have to your name?

How old would be ideal for you to have children?
Within the next five years or so

Do you have any friends that you've known since you were young?
Two or three

Have you ever dyed our hair?
several times

What's your biggest fear?
buried alive

Is there anyone that you tell EVERYTHING to?

Who did you last have a serious conversation with?
i don't know

Are you better at academic or artsy things?

Do you have any idea what you want to be when you grow up?
a teacher

What's your biggest goal?
To be happy

Have you ever been to a concert?
does the machine shop count

Have you ever just told someone straight out, what they mean to you?
yes and it backfired

Do you ever hear a song, and think of memories, good or bad?
Very often.

Do you have a dream car?

What's your favorite thing to eat that comes from the freezer?
frozen pizza

Do you like sweet potatoes?
I hate them

Is there anything that you want really bad right now?
to be held

Is there anyone, who when you hear their voice, you get butterflies?
someone's used to

Do you have a puppy?
Yes I do, and I love him

Favorite song?

Have you ever slept in a water bed?
yea and it screwed up my back

What's your favorite color?

Do you ever watch Spanish soap operas, even though you dont understand it?

Who was the last person to unsuspectingly make you smile?
Probabaly my brother

When was the last time you used the word "lame"?
awhile back

Are you the type of person who head-bangs to slow songs?
Lol no.

Has anyone ever called you a "troubled" child?

Do you talk bad about people behind their backs?
If I have an issue to get off my chest, but I don't gossip

Do you have anything plugged in and charging right now?

When was the last time you bought groceries?

Do you think animal testing should be illegal?
God Yes!!!

What was the last thing you laughed about?
Something my Dad said

What was the last thing that startled you?
the dog barking

What was the last thing to make you even remotely sad?
it comes and goes on a daily basis

Do you dance crazily to upbeat music?
only in private

Have you seen "The Notebook"?
yes, and I didn't really get into it

What is your absolute favorite smell?

What were the last lyrics you sang out loud?
In the End

Are you in a two-story building right now?
Nope, my house is just one story.

Do you watch reality shows?
I don't really like them

Do you think hunting should be illegal?
not really as long as it has limits it's fine.

How would you look with black hair?
horrible, i am too pale

How was your birthday this year?
not yet, but I hope it will be fun

If the person you had feelings for asked someone else out, would you be mad?
I would be heartbroken, and furious. my ex did that to me

Do you wear contacts?
nope, I like my cute glasses

Do you have any plans for tomorrow?
maybe watching Nic's kids

Right now, are you on the phone?
I'm not.

Do you want to get married anytime soon?

Are there any lyrics stuck in your head right now?

What was the last reason why you screamed?
i don't remember

Are you waiting for anything?
to become sleepy

Do you honestly think that Michael Jackson is dead?
come on! He's not tupac

Would you ever make a sex tape?

Have you ever done something with someone that your best friend liked?
no, that's part of the code

What kind of phone do you have?
Motorla Krave

Do you know any mechanical stuff about cars?
No but I need to learn.

What was the last movie you watched?
40 Year old virgin

Do you think you will be good with kids?
Of course I do

How did you feel last night?

How old is the oldest person on your MySpace top friends?

What do you usually do right when you wake up?
Use the bathroom.

Do you find the preferred sex to be confusing?
Men have been pissing me off for years, so I would have to say yes

How has this week been for you?

How did you feel when you woke up today?

Do you wish someone was with you right now?
i shouldn't

What time did you go to sleep last night?
5 am this morning

Is there someone on your mind right now?
several people

Where do you wish you were right now?
far away

Has anyone upset you lately?
yes and may he rot in hell

Is there someone you know that you should hate, but you can't?
no i hate the people who do me wrong, sorry I'm not better then that

Are you afraid of needles?

Do you think that someone is thinking of you right now?
That would be nice but I doubt it

Do you mind sleeping on the floor?
No i've slept there before

Have you ever made someone so mad that they broke something?
my parents when I was young

In the past 24 hours, have you done something that you regret?

What did you do today?
went to the library and got some books

Have you ever been lied to by someone who you thought would never lie to you?
yes, my ex

Do you believe that high school relationships ever make it?
very very rarely

Do you drink tea?
iced tea

Do you enjoy being single?
it's better then being cheated on, but lonely

Is there anyone you couldn't live without?
my brother, my sister-in-law, my parents

Who was the last person you slow danced with?
I've never slow danced before...

Do you think a marriage can last forever?
yes, but it rarely happens

Would you like to get married someday?
very much so

Do you get shy around people you're crushing on?
no just stupid

Do you think that you have changed?
yes, I'm stronger and more suspicious

How often do you hold back what you want to say?
more often then I should

Do you know anyone who has messed up your life?
not premenantly

Can you read other peoples expressions?
certain people

Does it bother you when people spell/type your name incorrectly?

Your Mom finds used condoms in your bedroom. What do you tell her?
at least i was safe....

You win backstage passes to meet the Jonas Brothers, you:
sell them, they are ruining music

You wake up and all your hair is gone. What is your first reaction?
i will be so much cooler

Who was the last person you went out to eat with?

Are you listening to music right now?
I'm not.

When was the last time you talked to your #1 on the phone?
about a week ago

Do you tend to waste a lot of your money?
hmm a little

Would you fall apart if the last person you kissed walked out of your life?
he already did and I'm still here....and I didn't think I would be

If I looked through your phone right now, who would most of your text messages be from?

Think of the last person you kissed. How many times have you cried in front of them?
once and i never should have

What would you say if someone told you that they were in love with your brother?
"Then it's good you're marrying him"

Would you ever work as a stripper if it were the only available job for you?
yeah it's just skin

Did anyone see you kiss the last person you kissed?
yeah a group of kids

Do you believe that your ex cares about you?
I don't believe that he has the ability to care.

How do you feel about teenage pregnancy?
shit happens, but you should try to make it not

How many arguments have you had with the last person you kissed?

What if your best friend liked your ex?
i would be hurt

Do you know anyone named John, Mike, Joe and/or Tim?
Yes -my friend;s hubby, Yes - yes another friend's hubby , Yes-my good for nothing ex and No.

What is the first thing that pops into your head when you think of last Summer?

Do you have a best friend of the opposite sex?

What color are the walls inside the room that you're in?

Your ex says they never even liked you. What do you say?
"you didn't hid it very well"

Do you have someone of the opposite sex that you can tell everything to?
almost everything

Are you a fast typer?
pretty good

Do you always answer your phone?
depends on who's calling

Is there anyone you know that deserves to be punched?
I could make a list...

When is the next time you will kiss someone?
no clue

Have you made any new regrets so far this year?
yes and they all have names

Do you think a lot before you fall asleep?
god yes

Do you think that you're old?
Uh, no.

Don't tell me any lies. Where is your crush/significant other?
I have no idea

Tell me the truth: Why did you fall in love with your last ex?
I never loved him, I just thought he was someone he wasn't

What was your last thought before you fell asleep last night?
I shoulda gone to be earlier

Is anyone else in the room with you?

How do you feel about your hair right now?
I like it.

Who was the last boy you hugged?

Did you hug or kiss anyone today?

Is there a lot of stress in your life?
god yes

Could you go the rest of your life without doing any drugs?
I have so far

Have you ever kissed the last person that you texted?

Does anyone disgust you?
every guy I've ever dated

Have you argued with anyone today?

Let's say you have a baby with the last person you kissed...:
well, I would raise the kid myself and not tell him

Do you find smoking to be unattractive?
yes, who wants to kiss an ashtray

Have you ever passed out from drinking?

Have you done anything sneaky lately?
I lied about who I went out with last night

Who's clothes are you wearing?

If your significant other smoked pot, would you care?
yes, been there with someone, and will never accept it again

Are you happier single or in a relationship?
single, I don't wanna deal with the bullshit anymore

Do you think that the last person you kissed cares for you?
since he doesn't have a heart, I doubt it

What if the last person you kissed that you were the only one that they wanted?
I wouldn't believe him, he's made it clear he wants someone else

Have you broken the law in the last three days?

Did you kiss anyone last week?

Is your #1 single?
No she's getting married this weekend

How many cigarettes have you smoked today?
Zero, I don't smoke.

What were your first words when Michael Jackson died?
no kidding

Is there anything that's bugging you right now?
how confused I am about my feelings

Are you currently warm, cold or content?

Out of MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr & Xanga...which are your favorite?

If you had to donate $100,000 to donate to either the Red Cross, American Cancer Society or the ASPCA (Abused animals), which would you choose and why?
ASPCA! They need it the most

What is the most attractive thing about the preferred sex of your choice?

How do you want people to remember you as?
brave and loving person

When was the last time you had cereal?
last week

Would you say that you're a confident person?

Will you be one of those old people with 11+ cats?
uh no

Have you ever watched "The Watchmen"?

What is something that gives you headaches?
stupid people

What is something that cannot be joked about with you?

Do you still talk to your first best friend?
nope don't even know where she is

Where is your cell phone?
on the table charging

Do you watch people from your window when you're bored?
only when they fight

What kind of cookie was the last cookie that you ate?
Chocolate chip.

Do you like marshmellows in your hot chocolate?
nope, it's better without

Do you own any of those "For Dummies" books?

Have you ever liked someone who was not physically attractive?
oh yeah he wasn't good looking at all

Do you like coffee flavored ice cream?

Would you rather live at college or with your parents?
Probaby with the parents.

Are there any movies out or coming out that you want to see? Which ones?
Funny People

Would you rather live in Florida or California?

Would you ever want an eel as a pet?
no that sounds like a bad pet

What size of dogs are the best?
large breeds

Have you ever been in a rotating restaurant?

Would you ever get a Toyota?
If it ran.....

Don't you just hate stale popcorn?

Do people who soak themselves in perfume/cologne bother you?
yeah, give me a headache

What do you think of TBS hour long show, "The World's Funniest Commercials"?
i like shows like that

Do you have an excessive drooling problem?

Have you ever wanted to cut your hair really short?
I have wanted to shave my head before

Do you believe in life after love?
I hate that song

What is your favorite type of transportation?

Do you like playing with fire?

If you could erase someone from your life, would you?

Do you enjoy to cook?
not really

Do you like steak?
love it

Have you ever egged a house or car?

Mac or PC?

Laptop or desktop?

T-Mobile or AT&T?

Do you like the town that you live in?
its boring

Would you ever date someone that your parents hated?
I already have

Have you ever had a life changing experience?

Are you tired yet?

What zodiac sign are you?

What would you say is your worst habit?
i'm a little defesnsive

Do you have more of a negative or optimistic attitude?
it varies

Do you think that clowns are cute or scary?

If you won $10,000 dollars today, what would you first do with it?
Pay off debt.

What is your biggest pet peeve?
being taken for granted

Will you talk to the person you have feelings for on the phone tonight?

Have you ever had a near death experience?

What was the last thing you thought about?
how long this damn thing is

If you found out you were pregnant right now, who would you tell first?

When was the last time you talked to your best friend(s)?

Would you curse in front of your parents?
I Have been for years

What kind of camera do you own?
camera phone

Would you rather go to a party or out of town?
Out of town

Do you like your cell phone?
not right now

If you had to move in with a friend, which one would you pick?

Who were/was the last person to go with the movies with you?

When was the last time you had butterflies in your stomach?
it's been a long time

Who or what do you want to see right now?
I think tonight is a good a lone night

Is there an empty place somewhere in your heart?
actually it's a giant hole

Do you ever countdown the days until anything?
oh yes

Are you looking forward to anything as of right now?
A few things.

Have you ever been called a tease?

Where is the farthest you've traveled with a friend?
up north

Do you ever turn your cell phone off?

Do you trust people easily?
not anymore

What is your opinion on sex without emotional commitment?
I've done it before and it was awful

What can you hear right now?

What was the last movie you saw in theaters?
Ugly Truth

Do you have more friends that are girls or boys?

previous entry: Google Survey

next entry: Chinese Horscope [Activity]

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