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Miss.Krystle's Diary
by Miss.Krystle

previous entry: Are people REALLY this ignorant?

next entry: In the presence of a pedophile.

Secrets Survey


I'll keep you my dirty little secret...

1. Do you have any secrets in your life that you have not told anyone, either online or offline? (and I mean a secret you deliberately keep, because you don't want anyone to know - not just something insignificant that you simply haven't happened to tell anyone, like, not telling anyone that you farted when you woke up last Wednesday.)

- Of course. Everyone has secrets, don't they?

2. If so, why have you not told anyone? For example, is it because you are ashamed, or because you think others won't understand, or because you don't want to get into trouble, or because it's too complicated to explain?

- Some things are better left unsaid.

3. Do you have secrets that you don't share in your 'real life', but that you share in your Bloop diary, or elsewhere on a blog or online diary?

- Yes. Sadly, using this site as an outlet is quite helpful, and no one I know uses it so I can pretty much talk about whatever I want without worrying. 

4. If so, what is the reason for this? Why can you not share them in real life, but you feel okay sharing in your diary?

- It's easier to share things with people you don't know, over a computer screen, because they don't know you, or anything about you. When you talk to someone you know about certain problems or whatever, a lot of the time, they are quick to judge because they know you inside and out and often will think that what they know is best. 

5. Are there major areas of your life that you deliberately don't write about in your Bloop diary? If so, why?

- There's only one part of my life I don't talk about, and the reason for that is because I know that when a lot of people hear about this particular thing, they are quick to judge and not hear the whole story. They only see/hear what they want to, and that can result in some very heated discussions. 

6. Are there opinions you hold that you deliberately don't share in your Bloop diary? If so, why?

- I am a very opinionated person. Always have been. However, I don't express a lot of those opinions sometimes, because again, it can lead to some very heated discussions. In a sense, I am quite the feminist, and am all for human rights etc. In today's society, I've found you really need to be careful what you choose to talk about. 

7. Do you have opinions that you'd like to share, but you wouldn't want your name attached to them?

- Nah. If I were to share opinions on anything, I wouldn't care if anyone knew it was me who said it. I'm entitled to my opinion. That is my right as a human being. 

8. Do you worry that people on Bloop won't like you if they know all your thoughts? If so, why is it important for you to be liked on Bloop?

- I could care less if anyone on this site likes me. I'm here to post my thoughts, and maybe make a few friends here and there. If people don't like me, that's really their perogative.

9. Have you ever sent a secret to Bloop Secrets? 

- Uh, no. 

10. If so, why? And did you find it helpful to do so?

11. If not, would you ever do so? Why or why not?

- Probably not. As I said, I'm an opinionated person anyway...I have no reason to really hide my thoughts or opinions. Of course, depending on the subject at hand.

12. Have you ever shared anything someone has told you in confidence?

- I'm guilty as charged. But I'm only human.

13. Do you ever suspect others of sharing things you've told them in confidence?

- I have no need to suspect. I'm fully aware some people have big mouths and enjoy talking about me and my life as if I'm sitting right in the room with them. It's never a big surprise to me.

14. What sorts of things do you share in confidence? (not what specific things, obviously, but how would you categorise them - personal things about family/health, controversial opinions, gossip, etc.)

- Anything and everything I see fit.

15. Do you write FO entries where you share things that you wouldn't share with all of Bloop?

16. If so, how do you decide who you can trust to put on your FO list?

17. Do you portray an extra positive version of yourself on Bloop? Like, focusing on the positive elements of yourself and glossing over all the nasty bits?

- I'm a generally positive person...there's no reason for me to hide that.

18. Alternatively, do you portray an extra negative version of yourself on Bloop? Like, using Bloop to let out all your negative feelings that you can't let out in real life?

- When I get angry, I want to vent. So I come on here, and I do just that. No holding back. No beating around the bush. 

19. Are there people on Bloop whom you don't much like, but you act as if you like them when you talk to them? If so, why?

- Nah. People on here for the most part are pretty cool.

20. Do you ever go out of your way to be friendly to people on Bloop because they are popular and you want to be 'in' with the popular people?

- Brings me back to high school days. The answer to no. I don't feel like I need to be part of the popular people just to fit in.

21. Alternatively, do you ever go out of your way to be unfriendly to people on Bloop because they are popular and you want to demonstrate how you are an individual with a mind of your own, and you aren't swayed by popularity?

- No.

22. Is there a certain image you try to portray on Bloop? Like, do you like people to see you as a nice person, or a badass person, or a deep, sensitive soul, or a witty intelligent person, or a person who doesn't give a damn?

- I'm pretty straight up about who I am. I'm not a nasty, outspoken individual who gets her kicks by making others feel bad. I'm a nice person who has a lot to give. It's just that simple.

23. Are there certain topics you'd never write about - that are 'off-limits' in your mind? If so, what topics?

- Nothing is off limits in my mind. 

24. Do/would you write about your bodily functions (eg. bowel movements, menstruation, childbirth)? Why or why not?

- The only time I would do that is if I was worried there might be a problem and wanted to get opinions. 

25. Do you romanticise/idealise unpleasant things when you write about them? Like, making something seem more positive than it actually is, or converting it into art somehow (like the idea that it's artistic if you suffer)? Or conveying yourself as the brave hero? If so, why?

26. Do you actively try to be cryptic or mysterious - and if so why?

- TRY to be mysterious? What you talkin about? I AM mysterious. LoL.

27. Do you use humour to make things seem more light-hearted than they actually are? If so, why?

- I do. Because it makes things easier to deal with. A little humor never killed anyone.

28. If you post pics of yourself, do you make sure to post flattering pics? Or do you also post pics where you look awful?

- I only post flattering pictures of myself...for the most part. I'm insecure as it is...why would I post horrible pictures of myself? 

29. Would you consider yourself a secretive person?

- I can be.

30. Would you consider yourself a mysterious person?

- Yes.

31. Would you consider yourself an open person?

- Depends on the subject at hand.

32. Would you consider yourself a private person?

- At times.

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previous entry: Are people REALLY this ignorant?

next entry: In the presence of a pedophile.

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