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Miss.Krystle's Diary
by Miss.Krystle
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Miss.Krystle's Diary
by Miss.Krystle

previous entry: It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood...won't you be my neighbor?

next entry: Just a pic.



I am VERY excited. I received a phone call about an hour ago from someone I was best friends with in the last 2 years of elementary school and all throughout high school. We haven't seen each other since we were 17. And we are gonna get together on Saturday to hang out!! To most people, I'm sure it's like "Oh, that's nice...have fun." 
But to me, it's awesome! We did everything together. But unfortunately, when I dropped out, we lost touch. And we just recently got back in touch with each other. Thanks to good old Facebook. Haha. 

I can't wait. I'm totally psyched.

Pictures will be taken, and posted. 



And with that, I'm outta here. Cooking some ghetto spaghetti, and probably gonna watch some boob tube with my mommy. <3 

Nite all!


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previous entry: It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood...won't you be my neighbor?

next entry: Just a pic.

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