Took Trystan to see a throat specialist today due to the fact that his adenoids and tonsils are slightly swollen.
I was told that he may have sleep apnea as a result of this and may need to have his tonsils and adenoids removed.
He made a referral for me to a sleep clinic where a sleep test will be done on Trystan to determine whether or not he does in fact have sleep apnea.
I've done a bit of reading on sleep apnea in children, and a bit about tonsellectomy's and I have to say. The risks of this surgery in children are kinda scary.
This worries me.
I had gallbladder surgery last year, where my entire gallbladder was removed. It was very infected. The surgery took an hour and a half longer than it should have. 2 weeks later I was back in the hospital with a liver infection that could have killed me. *TMI moment here* My pee was a bright orange colour, I couldn't keep anything down, including water, and I had jaundice. This was all a result of a gallstone the surgeons had missed which had lodged itself in the duct connecting to my liver, and where my gallbladder used to be.
I don't want my kid to have to go through the pain and suffering I went through because of one little mistake. You know?
I sincerely hope he doesn't have to have the surgery, but unfortunately based on what I read on Google and in the article the doctor gave me, Trystan may actually have it. A LOT of the symptoms explain SO much.
Why his behavior is so erratic - you never know what his mood is going to be like during the day...he can go from being totally happy to snapping within seconds. And this attitude and aggressiveness just comes out of nowhere.
Why he looks tired all the time - Doug has often commented to me about how tired he looks, and I have never been able to explain why.
So, as a result of this and what I have educated myself with, it looks like surgery.
I'm REALLY hoping they'll tell me that he will just grow out of his adenoids and tonsils being slightly enlarged. I was told that if it's not sleep apnea, then he won't need surgery.
I'm really keeping my fingers crossed. Maybe I'm worrying over nothing, but he's my baby. And surgery is a scary thing that always includes the risk of swelling, infection, etc. If his throat were to swell, he could suffocate. And that's the scariest thing in the world.
Ugh. I'm being paranoid.
I can't help that. I suffer from paranoia. LoL.
Anyway, time to relax after a very long and incredibly difficult day of Trystan's un co-operative mood swings. I love him...but God is he exhausting. Haha.