What are your middle names?
Howard and Ann
How long have you been together?
December 2005 so 4 1/2 years!
How long did you know each other before you started dating?
2 months.
Who asked who out?
He did.
How old are each of you?
22 and 20
Whose siblings do/ did you see the most?
It's about equal.
Do you have any children together?
Yes, two awesome boys!
What about pets?
Not yet, we aren't allowed pets now, maybe next year!
Which situation is the hardest on you as a couple?
Money..for sure!
Did you go to the same school?
High school
Are you from the same home town?
No. He's mostly from Oklahoma and Illinois, but i've lived in STL my whole life!
Who is smarter?
Equal I think
Who is more sensitive?
Me for sure
Where do you eat out most as a couple?
Applebee's, O'Charleys, and Denny's mostly. Sometimes Old Spaghetti Factory.
Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple?
Lincoln, IL about 200 miles. Maybe FL in a year or two!
Who has the worse temper?
He does
Who does the cooking?
I do mostly.
Who is more social?
Who is the neat-freak?
He is!
Who is the more stubborn?
We both are
Who hogs the bed?
He does!
Who wakes up earlier?
Usually him
Where was your first date?
Chuck E. Cheese's with my nephew.
Who has the bigger family?
Me definately.
Do you get flowers often?
Not often, but sometimes.
How do you spend the holidays?
Driving EVERYWHERE! lol
How long did it take to get serious?
Like 4 months.
Who eats more?
Probably me, I eat all the time..
Who does/ did the laundry?
We do it pretty equal.
Who’s better with the computer?
Who drives when you are together?
If it isn't far, I drive sometimes, but 90% of the time he drives. |